What is conversion rate optimisation?

A definition of conversion rate optimisation (CRO) marketing is that it is a process of website optimisation which is implemented in order to increase the likelihood that a site visitor completes a specific goal or action. This can be in the form of a user submitting their contact details to your law firm for a call back, completing a personal injury claim form, completing a request for more details, or simply signing up for an email newsletter.

Any type of user interactive action on a website can be optimised with a view to achieving a greater response. In very simple terms, optimising a compensation claim form that currently converts at 2% overall so that it converts at 4% in the future would represent a doubling of business via the form.

There are a number of different CRO strategies that we can employ on your legal website which could lead to an increase in business with no additional marketing spend required. When this is implemented in addition to our other digital marketing services for law firms your company could achieve results similar to one of our valued legal clients –

“Although our market budget didn’t increase we saw online case acquisition treble within two months of them taking over our campaigns and since then we have continued to go from strength to strength.”

Why is CRO for law firms important?

Conversion rate optimisation is a marketing discipline that works extremely well in tandem with other forms of digital marketing such as SEO and PPC.

CRO effectively capitalises on traffic that your website already has with a view to increasing its value.

In simple terms we will analyse why your current website visitors aren’t converting into business and implement conversion rate optimisation best practice steps to fix it.

As a proposition CRO digital marketing could be incredibly important to your law firm because –

  • CRO takes into account the website traffic that you already have and increases the value of that same traffic by optimising the actions that matter such as leads, sign ups, etc.
  • Implementing CRO as part of our wider law firm marketing plan will help to maximise your firms’ profit because your profits will be inevitably tied to your conversion rate.
  • Ongoing CRO testing can hone optimisation to the optimum level for your type of law, type of audience and style of website.
  • Successful CRO will lower your client cost per acquisition (CPA).
  • The market share for your law firm will be increased.
  • No website is perfect – there is always room for improvement, particularly when client conversion is concerned.

We can help to increase lead volumes via your website by focusing on CRO.

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Areas of CRO focus

There are a vast amount of areas with which CRO testing can play an important role in increasing the value of your website visitors. The options selected will be determined by the individual circumstances of each website but as a rule our CRO experts will investigate the following options to get the most from your law firms’ website

Website copy optimisation

Many times we have found glaring errors within the web copy of important legal service pages on a website. This can range from poorly structured sentences through to prominent incorrectly spelled words.

A potential customer will question the authority of a legal firm that is unable to write coherently or spell correctly and will most likely abandon the site with little to no interaction.

Simple alterations to the website copy text can often result in conversion gains.

Website forms

There is a fine line between creating a web form that will contain enough fields to obtain meaningful data to an overly simplistic form. Furthermore, design, functionality, text and colour scheme can play a large role in whether a potential client chooses to complete your claim form or contact form.

There are studies which show how miniscule, even changes on an almost subliminal level can increase the likelihood of a visitor completing a web form.

Landing page optimisation

Whether the landing page is based upon a PPC campaign or SEO it is important to ensure that the layout is optimised in order to maximise the likelihood of the visitor converting into a lead.

A/B testing

Experiments can be setup which serve two different versions of landing pages to website visitors for period of time. At the end of the test period, conversions will be measured in order to ascertain the most effective landing page for the specific campaign.

Split testing can be run on an ongoing basis across a variety of different online assets.

Usability testing

There can sometimes be obvious reasons why a site or page does not convert as well as expected. This can often be a consequence of poor website usability which can be fixed via conversion rate optimisation techniques.

Mistakes can include incorrectly coded web forms, content that is too complex or confusion, poor webpage layout, etc. Any of these can lead to low conversion levels

Similarly a client conversion journey which is convoluted will usually result in high abandonment rate on a page than expected.

Web analytics analysis

A cornerstone of CRO is being able to analyse web traffic on a website at an extremely granular level – for this we utilise website analytics. Analytics will tell us all about the traffic a website receives, which pages are popular (and which aren’t), the bounce rates of visitors, journeys that visitors take on the site and much more.

By analysing analytics data in great depth we are able to ascertain areas of improvement to focus our CRO efforts.

Conversion rate optimisation services for law firms

It is a great start to have a beautifully designed website for your law firm along with a detailed content marketing strategy in place, but without due consideration to a conversion rate optimisation process, the levels of business derived from the website will be much lower than they could be.

As part of our digital marketing services for law firms we will focus on CRO to ensure that you are getting the most from your website.

For more details on how we can help your law firm achieve higher levels of business online contact us by phone or via our contact form today.

“Although our market budget didn’t increase we saw online case acquisition treble within two months of them taking over our campaigns and since then we have continued to go from strength to strength”.

Gavin Moat – Partner, Mercury Legal LLP


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